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  • ウクライナ情勢に関するメッセージ / A Message Regarding Ukraine


     ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻に、私たちは大きな憤りと深い哀しみを覚えています。 即時停戦と平和的解決を強く求めます。



     戦争は遠いところで起きているのではありません。京都とウクライナの首都キーウは豊かな文化遺産をもつ古都であり、50 年にわたり姉妹都市として交流を深めてきました。本学もウクライナから留学生を受け入れてきました。ウクライナの学生が二人、昨年から本学のオンライン授業を受け、来日して学ぶことを愉しみにしていました。二人はまだ戦禍のウクライナに留まっています。安否が気遣われます。




    太田 耕人


    A Message Regarding Ukraine

    March 14, 2022

    Russia's invasion of Ukraine caused us great indignation and deep sorrow. An immediate ceasefire and a peaceful resolution must be called for urgently.

    Our university has produced teachers for over 140 years. Their calling is to look after children's growth with sympathetic interest, setting children's happiness as a primary goal. Who could ever deny that a world in which children enjoy happiness is the best place for everyone?

    Children always suffer greatly in war. The weak are war victims in all ages. It is unpardonable savagery that thousands of Ukrainian civilians have been killed in this conflict, including many innocent children. It has been reported that schools and a children's hospital were bombarded. Also, young soldiers, Ukrainian and Russian, who are about the same age as our students, have lost their lives in this war that they did not want to fight.

    The war is not somewhere remote from us. Kyoto and Kyiv, ancient capitals with glorious cultural heritage, have cultivated friendship as sister cities for fifty years. Our university has welcomed students from Ukraine. Two Ukrainian students, who have begun studying online in our curriculum and are planning to visit Kyoto to attend on-campus classes, remain in war-torn Ukraine. Apprehension concerning their safety is mounting.

    To our Ukrainian friends who have studied at our university and those who wish to in the future, we are seriously concerned that you are left in confusion and peril. Do not give up hope. We are always with you.

    It is unacceptable that guiltless people in Ukraine have their lives threatened. Here we strongly appeal to the international community to act to terminate this military aggression and realize peace in Ukraine without delay.

    Kojin OTA
    President, Kyoto University of Education

    A Message Regarding Ukraineicon_pdf.gif(English)



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